Key Points
Our practitioners will relay information, advice and messages that patients can heal over time with low back pain:
We will promote a biopsychosocial approach to pain:
- Back pain does not mean your back is damaged – it means it is sensitive at the moment
- Things like awkward movements and postures, muscle tension, inactivity, lack of sleep, stress, worry and low mood effect back pain.
- Did you know, most back pain is linked to minor sprains that can be very painful. Sleeping well, logical exercise, a healthy diet and cutting down on your smoking will help your back pain over time.
- The brain can play tricks on you – the more you worry and think about your pain the worse it gets
Promote resilience
- Your back is a strong structure
Encourage normal activity and movement
- Relaxed movement will help your back pain settle
- Your back gets stronger with movement
- Motion is medicine
- Protecting your back and avoiding movement can make things worse
Address concerns about imaging results and pain:
- Scans show a lot of detail, it doesn’t mean you are injured. Changes are normal, like grey hair
- Movements will be sore at first – like an ankle sprain
Encourage self-management
- Let’s work out a plan to help you
- Getting back to work will help you recover
- We can work with your GP, one of our Chiro’s or your Trainer, to get you fully recovered over time.